What is this thing I keep thinking about? I’m waking up and there is a knot in my stomach. Something has happened to someone I love. Yes, I pray. I’m moving slower and more thoughtfully. I’m distracted. I’m trying not to cry or yell. This feeling is unfamiliar. I’m usually following marching orders…left, right, left, right, left,..Discontent is an odd duck. It quacks along then is gone. It takes time. It helps if there is resolution. When we are dissatisfied with circumstances we change what we can. Do you remember the slogan popular in AA and Alanon? When I shared this thing I keep thinking about, a kind cousin quoted a portion of the serenity prayer, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.” The best part of this prayer is who it is addressed to…God.