On January 9th I traveled with our team to East London. I have not written since January 6th. That is so wrong if you have been faithfully following this effort to “Know God and to make Him known”. All I can say is that serving is exhausting. I was inspired but could not seem to…
Missing You
Why do I write? I feel connected to people and my thoughts and inspiration when I send a card, email, or write a blog. I have not activated my phone other than to face-time with family so no calls is quite a change from a busy real estate career. So many ways to communicate, even…
I’m Back From the Past
Greetings 2023. Yesterday I was in 2022 so today I am back from the past. Reflection is about done so what better use of a day than a walk to a monastery. It was about four miles (6.4 km) which is about my limit and mostly uphill – argh. We walked through several villages. The…
Happy New You
I love and appreciate you all. Here are todays thoughts & if I am beginning to sound “preach-y” – let me know! December 31st, 2022 HAPPY NEW YOU Every day is a new day but I do like to pause on holidays that attach special meaning to my life. To the church in Rome, Paul…
Our Stories Don’t Compare
Happy New year! This week is a good time to compare our past to our future. There is no straight line from 2022 to Heaven and now we get to live 2023. How great is that? I’m thinking of my friends son, a young father of two, having cancer surgery for Christmas. Not a diversion…
I Have Been
I have been the foreigner who cannot find the correct words. I have learned that wasser is water. I will always say “ja” instead of yes. I’ve been lost multiple times. I have seen the impatience on the faces of people who want to help me but don’t understand me. I have been embarrassed. I…
Three Nights and Two Churches
I should warn you that this may go long. So much to wrap up after these break days for Christmas and New Years next. First of all – I love and will miss Switzerland. Here are some things I have learned but from my own view of the world. I may not be accurate so…
Every Walk
There is a very fine film called ‘A Walk to Remember’. I just returned from a walk and will try to remember every walk I have taken at Wiler. Because the time here is winding down, I want to savor even the hard ones. Today was one of those. I invited others but all are…
Inside or Take Away
There is an eastern restaurant that the bus from Lyss to Wiler passes. I always chuckle at the phrase that means pick-up or take-out. A take-away to an American is usually a summary of what you have heard. We constantly condense what we consider important and forget the rest or put it in a file…
I Forgot
I forgot a lot today. I’m typing from bed with a cold. I’m usually a one-cold-per year person so not happy. For people who do deal with illnesses regularly I sincerely apologize because each day has enough trouble and does not care that we don’t feel up to it. I took a bus after lunch…