A highlight for me last week was also a lowlight. One stronghold over my life is underestimating my talent in music. I have been told that my voice is not as good as others and that my piano skills are not up to snuff. Both are true and I do not disagree but comparison is…
Surprised Missionary
Mark 5:20, “And he went off and began to proclaim in Decapolis what great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone marveled”. One minute this man is a mess and, in the next moment, then he is, “sitting down, clothed and in his right mind”. As Jesus is leaving, this man wanted to follow…
In a Straight Line
I had forgotten how children decorate Christmas trees. At the center in Biel, I handed ornaments that had been without hangers (now with strings attached – my important contribution) to a pony-tailed 7 year-old girl. She was the size of a 7 year-old and lined up all of the bulbs at her level straight on…
I Want to Change the World but I Sharpened Pencils
First week of outreach is complete and gearing up, again, for days at a childcare center. They do tutoring, after-school snacks, mentoring, arts & crafts, more snacks, a Christmas party this week, and empathy when a child hurts their toe while playing – oh – and don’t forget ping-pong aggressively played by 14-year old boys….
Off to Biel We Go
Monday will begin the first outreach from Wiler (Vee-lar) in Switzerland. This is a bi-lingual city of German & French speaking people. Many of the 104 people groups are out of West Africa. One of three in the city are immigrants and one of four are on government relief. These are some of the poorest…
I apologize. I had promised to write often so you can pray and be apart of this journey. The last time I wrote was 11/11. I’ve missed the US election and am about to celebrate Thanksgiving in a country that does not celebrate. That is an upcoming meeting so please read until the end. Some…
I’ve always enjoyed make-over shows. Whether it be a kitchen or a person – I love before and after photos. In my business I could walk into a home & immediately know how to improve it. I would always caution the homeowner to use the grocery-store approach – keep the ideas you want and don’t…
Cows Wear Bells
I googled this after returning from an alpine walk. I have navigation on my phone so veered off the usual path into cow-land. What I learned is that, “In alpine regions, cows are often equipped with a bell throughout the summer season to ensure that farmers can locate their animals on the wide alpine pastures, many…
Going to Church
Visited the same church in Biel today. Every service has been unique and unexpected. On the first visit a Catholic theologian visited and shared a very formal message that included the history of a woman and her service due to her faith. He wore the formal garb. My friend, Kim, who had visited a week…
I was going to label this post “nothing original” only because I listen, watch, evaluate, and then share. There is something to be said for the phrase, “there is nothing new under the sun”. That is why I wonder why people are allowed to write books that sound an awful lot like the other book…