We know several things about the Apostle John. He knew Jesus. He wrote a tender gospel account. John had a brother and a background in commercial fishing. We also know that he liked to refer to himself as, “the other disciple whom Jesus loved.” He had a meddling and ambitious mother and he could outrun…
The Joy of Missing Out
What is the joy of missing out? I heard this at a WW meeting when we were discussing holiday eating. I love Christmas cookies. This season was not a good one for baking and sharing so I complied. Can you imagine government restrictions on so many happy holiday gatherings but, again, I complied. If there…
The Alternate
Abram was traveling with Lot and Sarai. God said go so he went. Was Abram God’s first pick to be the Father of a great nation? According to the Book of Genesis it was a request from God with a condition. Talk about no GPS, Abram did not have a clue as to this final…
Make an Unknown Future Secure
Hello new year. I am happy about new. Some people may be thinking hell no – a new year. How do we plan for things that may happen that we cannot control? We don’t. We make a list, mental or written, with some things that we can control. Don’t resolute things that are in the…
About That Shirley
It is nearing Christmas. I love the twinkling lights, sugar cookies, and feeling of expectation, so why am I thinking about Shirley? The Shirley I’m considering is the, “Surely goodness and Mercy will follow me all the days of my life.” The idea of advent was foreign to me until I attended a wonderful neighborhood…
The Twelve
What did the twelve disciples who Jesus called have in common? Mostly they had faith in common. There were two sets of brothers – Peter and Andrew then James and John. That could not have been easy. How do you get along with your siblings? Did they look alike and sound alike? Did they argue?…
Of all the qualities God gave water my fav is reflection so we can see the beauty twice. I once had an entire exam in Physical Chemistry with one final essay question. Describe the chemical properties of water. That professor was young and cute and never reached tenure. The powers that be did not appreciate…
A Happy Accident
I think that much of art is a happy accident. I had put out acrylic paints for Tucker and Penelope. They painted wonderful Christmas wreaths. Although I had put out all of the Christmas colors Penelope spied the basket behind the table with additional colors. Both children rounded out their choices and filled their palettes…
God’s Got This
I was looking at gift suggestions to give comfort to my loved ones during this unusual Christmas season. Some suggestions were; a weighted blanket, a wineglass wall attachment for the bathtub, a lighted alarm clock, oil diffuser, baking mixes, etc. What caught my particular attention was a decal for the bath mirror saying, YOU GOT…
Bunkbeds I don’t like bunk beds and dreaded summer camp as a child because I did not feel safe on the top and still don’t feel safe on the bottom. If I rolled over too far I would fall and crack my head (cabins usually had cement floors.) If I wound up on the bottom…