Was God out of gas after He created the world in six days? I doubt it but He called for rest. Why did God call for rest in Gen 2:1-3? “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God finished His work that He…
Travel Advisory
My tummy is upset and not much sleep. I’ve never Ubered in Berlin. From an urban spot (with my tree) only four minutes to pickup! So happy. Finally over the bug and fit to finish. I was so relieved that I over-tipped the driver. As I exit the vehicle the Berlin Central Train Station does…
The Tree Outside My Window
Well, it will be my window for two more sleeps as I prep to return to the Crossroads Library in Prague for 33 more sleeps, then back to US. The tree stands out (or more accurately – up) in the urban landscape of Berlin (to the right of window frame). Here’s how it looked the…
Dog Eared
I had no idea how to spell dog eared but that is what phones are for. I sent this postcard to my cousin, Becky (who has traversed the globe), at least a month ago so the condition of this did not surprise her. As I had been trying to complete the library inventory in Berlin,…
Prinz-Albrecht-Straℬe 8
The house at this address was a house prison. The house at Prinz-Georg-Straℬe 10 is where people can find freedom in Christ. Both addresses are in Berlin. While prayer-walking some dark places in this city, I have looked for links to my past in 1978 and to the 1933’s-1945’s, thirteen of the most horrible and…
Asking for a Friend
Is it starve a cold and feed a fever or feed a cold and starve a fever? The immune system needs more calories to fight infection and recover when you are sick. This means the idea of starving fevers could be a myth as hydrating (feeding) a fever might be even more critical than feeding…
Are You Called?
I am in the missions section of the library inventory (saved for volunteers and I know it is tedious). There was a lot going on with school being out. An entire new family in the neighborhood made their first visit, all females with head scarves. I lost track of each story but stumbled on some…
Another Great Day at the Library
There are always baby strollers on the trains/busses along with those shopping carts that older ladies use. That requires a lot of shuffling at each stop as people hop on and off. (This might be a long one so skip if your day is busy.) There were two young dads with the cutest babies and…
How Bad Are We?
The only happy people on the train today were the musicians. They always begin with a dirge, pick up the pace with something cheerful, then walk around with a donation cup. I like reliable things and instead of a train every seven minutes, they came every 30 minutes and were so crowded – no explanation…
A Tribute to Cousin Susie
My cousin Susie passed away, unexpectedly, last month. I think it was September 16, 2024. I had arrived in Prague on the 9th and had made very exciting plans to see her in December, in the Baltimore area, enroute to home near Seattle. Susie was my age and I expected to grow old together. Not…