Not quite a retraction but I had time today to visit a typical (looked like US) shopping mall. We leave for the mountains of Tabor this afternoon then I will be moving on to the Berlin library so will not be writing until I resettle. I had mentioned the unfriendly, stoic mom’s on the tram but today I saw two with strollers who had clearly planned a meet-up, including a warm embrace. Friends vs the strangers from yesterday would have different levels of warmth. I picked up a couple items (no clothes shopping but I did look) because I had packed with limited supplies. Time to replace. The Republic of Czech has a financial appeal if any evangelistic types can endure some differences. Some of my senior friends talk about retiring abroad but remember that, as believers, we are purposeful in how we spend our later years. Some people ask hard questions. When I sent some pretty photos yesterday of the library and cafe, one person questioned how something that looked fancy (it’s a new remodel and very nice but libraries are not fancy) could be evangelism. I’m a bristler. When I feel challenged I want to explain myself but no need – lovely person and fair question. Sharing Christ is the only goal. An appealing place for coffee and surrounded by Christian books (hard to find in post communist countries) is a win-win. Billy Graham had skills I lack so just give me a chance to be someone interested in your story and willing to share mine. So today I spent, in US dollars, about $15 for chewable CA, $8 for two little adorable heart necklaces for granddaughters (don’t tell them), $6 for a latte + chocolate cake (splurge on a rare leisure morning), and $4 for another tube of lotion. I did teach math back in the day and can say that the only time I have felt I overpaid in this country was, again, the one visit to Starbucks – hint, hint – wherever you live. So enjoy your weekend and chat soon?

On the street where I live