I jot down notes all of the time. Later, I assemble sticky notes, toss the ones that don’t make sense, and see if anything might be useful to encourage you and me. I wrote, ‘Life is a sailboat – not a speedboat.’ Today it may not feel true as I plan on what gift to give to my granddaughter on her 9th year on earth. I’s gone quickly. I even remember hearing about her after conception but before delivery – oh the excitement of the second child! She is a total blessing and needs to hear that from Grandma. When these littles started arriving I picked the name, ‘GrandMaMa’ but it never stuck. I am currently; Grandma, Grandma Pam, BeeBee, and Gramcracker when they are being silly. Back to the sailboat. I have enjoyed sailing many times. Have you ever trolled? You just drag a line and see if a fish is conveniently in the same place and hungry. It is no-pressure and easy. You may even catch dinner. A speedboat would not work and that is the point. You rush and miss the fish. Life has a similar quality. Speed can be the enemy of a good life. What if the journey is the destination?