by embracing the unfamiliar
I have been home one week and am still looking for the toaster. I had emptied some rooms to make space for a friend and it will take time to put my home back together. I did hang two pictures exactly where they had been last year. Then I wondered – have I changed? Has seeing the world and going to the nations made a difference or will I continue to hang pictures in the same place?
I think a bit like an accountant and that has sometimes made my faith more factual/intellectual and not always heart-felt, but in true form, I feel I owe an accounting to the wonderful friends who helped send me to study missions in Wiler, Switzerland. Then to serve at an afterschool program in Biel, Switzerland, for two weeks, then to serve in East London at churches, food banks, preschools, coffee houses, prayer rooms, door knocking, and anything else I was asked to do for five+ weeks. Oh, and did I mention I saw King Charles in person? Back at Wiler we debriefed for two more weeks of training then, on my own, I visited missionaries in Albania and hope to return next year if possible. On my own, I also checked Florence, Italy, off my bucket list and flew home from Rome. I had a small suitcase but did purchase a small ring at the Colosseum to remind me of the martyrs over the centuries. It is still a reality today. Six months is a long time and it was a wonderful experience but I’m travel-weary.
Deleted confidential info

Mark 4:26-34 reminds us that the earth produces crops by itself. The Kingdom of God is like an unattended mustard seed. Life and growth are beyond our control. DTS was a focused time of sewing seeds. The sewer works and then rests. I am in a resting mode today. I try to play the piano each day during my worship time at home and sang a familiar tune this week with these words, “Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee…Take my feet…Take my lips…Take my Love…”. I have already been asked by dear people what is next. The entire world is in a heap of trouble without Jesus. I love sharpening my vision to be more like God’s, seeing people the way God sees me, but I don’t know what is next. Mid-term missions work is not as attractive to leaders as full time and there is the age thing – but I did keep up with a team much younger than me (most in their 50’s)! I hope I can serve again and will be looking for open doors and listening to God, His word, and His people for clues! If it is alright with you, I’ll keep you posted because Jesus knows what He is doing and knows how to lead. I am also taking time to visit grandchildren then will focus on writing about the many inspiring teachings and experiences. You can look in on for the rest of the year as that is how long this could take!
Thank you again and many blessings from good ‘ol Bothell, WA!
Your friend Pam
This was started weeks ago but I’m ready to write and didn’t want to skip