I thought you might enjoy hearing about my schedule. It varies in the study season but yesterday was very long and then today ended with me cooking chili con carne for 24 with the guidance of a very wonderful leader. So Friday began with an hour of corporate prayer after breakfast, which we do on our own but have the basics in the kitchen. By nine we were at our desks for the final day of teaching from Don Price on the Father Heart of God. This was especially meaningful because I had a good Dad but there is no perfect Dad – only our heavenly Father. At 10:00 we had a coffee and birthday celebration for a really funny guy who blesses us all. 10:30 – about 12:30 final lecture. Lunch. Break for homework and chores. 5:00 there was a special three-hour walk through the entire bible (like an overview for oldies and novices alike) – led by four young leaders. What I haven’t said much about is translation. If a speaker is in german then there is an english translator and vice versa. It takes twice as long because of the mixture of internationals. We took a break for dinner while the Israelites were still in the desert wandering aimlessly. Dinner was chicken in a nice curry then pita bread and no utensils on a dinner table with a path of sand. It felt like we were in the story. All of that ended at 8:45. Shower then catch up on some communique (which should get easier with the SIMM card that arrived today). I was so tired because it was packed and I’m young at heart but not as young as the rest. Since I am now retired, I realize that I had been winding down and am happiest when there is quiet and leisure along with a challenge. This is not that. So I was looking forward to a trip to Murten and Avenches today. There were 13 in a van and car. Murten has a protestant reformation history with Calvin. There are churches with foundations from the 1200’s – German, French, Catholic, Protestant – a beautiful waterfront, good coffee and sweets, and I found a white shirt (I brought only fall/winter darks) and was in a sleeveless tank most of today. I’ll try to post a few pics. Avenches is very French and had a colossium built about 130 AD to kill Christians and other entertainment (I would like to write a book someday on how the devil confuses people on the value of every human life and that includes present day). It could accommodate 20,000 but now is falling down and used for events of about 4,000. These historical buildings are amazing and there is nothing like it in the US. The oldest I have seen were in Connecticut. So time to leave and the van would not start. Since I am on the team to prepare dinner I got an honored spot in the car and the rest finally made their way home by 6:00. So lots of growth, work, fun, and fellowship. I am in the right place at the right time but so looking forward to a quieter Sunday. Next week is study on the Holy Spirit out of Norway…by the way, the Holy Spirit is in Norway and everywhere believers are but the instructor arrives tomorrow from Norway!