I experienced two things today. I don’t know how to measure thoughts but a quick google measures that, according to research,, the average person has approximately 60,000 thoughts each day. Here are two of mine. Carmen Goes is running for Congress. She has good ideas and her platform is consistent with conservative and Godly values. She is warm and personable (necessary) and has raised four daughters. Is this the next stage in God’s call on her life? Vote for godly politicians. None are perfect, no, not one but at least they should know right from wrong. Read the voting pamphlet and consult more studied friends. I read recommendations for King and Snohomish Counties from Joe Fuiten. We want to avoid this, Psalm 55:21, “His speech was smoother than butter, But his heart was war; His words were softer than oil, Yet they were drawn swords.” I met Carmen today at a funeral for a wonderful man. Every witness to the impact he had on the world was more powerful than the previous. I thought of the apostle John and Gaius. Gaius served the church by being faithful to God and in teaching. His impact lives on as does that of the man honored today. John gives an eloquent account in his letter, Third John. I was sitting in church while hearing accounts of his faithfulness. The room was full of witnesses as I glanced down at my hands. I saw how small they are and felt that my impact is also small. We can’t compare “works” but we can want to follow Jesus more nearly. From Godspell, the musical, ‘Day by Day, “Three things I pray, to see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly, Day by day”. That’s what we can do. It is not a race. By following Jesus we end up just where we belong and God is near, at our elbow, as we are held firmly by nail-pierced hands. All these thoughts were mixed up with about 60,000 others.