In Prague. Since we don’t know it, this writing will not be a list of things we don’t know! We see faces and God sees hearts. Ps 23:4-5, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For you are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.” Losses come in so many shapes and sizes. You lose a tooth, your purse, and your cousin (yes, I’ve done all three but not all lately). We don’t know the details of what is next but we know it is good. We are to be comforted, honored, anointed, and full. I’m not sure how a rod and staff comfort. I think of them as big sticks. I googled some other thoughts and I like that knowing the shepherd will defend and protect and guide those following that sweet voice in the right ways. The rod and staff of Pharaoh showed his authority. The staff represented leadership and the rod, his justice. God is in control and we need not fear any evil. So with those people who go before us, we cannot pray for their salvation after the fact or DOD. No one is ushered into Heaven on a wing and a prayer. One solid ask – asking for forgiveness for our sins and belief in Jesus, who does forgiveness better than we do. In the Czech history there is an unusual link to American music. There was an underground Prague band in the 70’s called Plastic People. One of the bands biggest fans was Vaclav Havel, who was jailed for helping form Charter 77 which led to a peaceful exit of Communism! Havel indirectly credits Lou Reed and Frank Zappa. Charter 77 monitored human rights violations that showed the downside of the old system. This may not be an easy connection but it is similar to changing from unbelief to belief in a most unorthodox way. From darkness to light. Yea though we all walk through the valley of the shadow of death, like my cousin a few days ago, the chains of this earth will go bust for those who heard and believed the sweet music of salvation. It’s nine hours ahead of my usual walk-up time…have a super day!