“After the war God said come follow me”. That is spoken by a nun in France after one of the world wars. She knew she was a sinner but chose to give up hating and killing the enemy because she listened to God’s call. Reading the beginning of Jeremiah’s book, “Before I formed you in…
Needs Not Greeds
NEEDS NOT GREEDS This is for me. I shop bargains – so I will purchase something wonderful because I can get it for less than I perceive the market value. It – the item – is not on my shopping list and I have not seen it before. Seeing it made me want it. Then the…
JESUS Jesus is God’s love on display. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Incarnation. Trinity. Mystery. The Apostle Paul refers to the mystery of the gospel in Ephesians 3:3-6, “The mystery was made known to me by revelation, as I wrote above in a few words, a reading of which will enable you…
My Calling
MY CALLING I wonder if dad’s feel the same? My calling has been my two children. I have worked harder and been happier about them than anything else. Yes, busy, but even the picture of Christ and His Bride, the church, is family – God’s plan. That is what challenges me most about same-sex marriage….
Taking Notes
TAKING NOTES I jot down notes all of the time. Later, I assemble sticky notes, toss the ones that don’t make sense, and see if anything might be useful to encourage you and me. I wrote, ‘Life is a sailboat – not a speedboat.’ Today it may not feel true as I plan on what…
Failed Catholic
FAILED CATHOLIC? I have been using this phrase lately. I did not invent it but also don’t hear it much. For me, it describes some wonderful people I know who visited “religion” during their childhood but don’t think it is important to follow Jesus to the ‘T’. I think we can use the same idea…
SCREWTAPE Lately, I have seen many references to the Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis. In 1963, at age 64, he died. Among other accomplishments, Lewis wrote 37 books. How did he know all of this in 1941. A site listed 179 best quotes from the book. Here are my choices. “She’s the type of woman who…
Today I attended a bible study in First Peter and Pastor Jeff, CHCC, provided inspiration from the book. I am not writing about that but the things I segwayed. Firstly – there was wonderful worship on keyboard and over 200 voices uniting. The worship person mentioned that God is so holy. I have always pictured…
YWAM Catch Up
It has been over a year and I’m looking at the last two weeks study notes. I’m afraid that I have covered this material before. I have two markers in my study notes so skip if this sounds familiar! My next YWAM entry will cover December 2022. If I wanted to convey what the sessions…
I’m So Proud of Myself
Even a broken clock has the correct time twice a day. That line was on tv this week and always makes me laugh. It applies to my walk this morning. I went a measly two miles but that is good for someone who is not as engaged with healthy habits as I want to be….